In this talk, we will look at the changes in Cowboy 2 and how we can use it with Plug and Phoenix by using a custom Plug adapter. We will look at how this can be done using a library and integrating it with Plug. The same technique will be applied to Phoenix, writing a custom handler in a library and using it with Phoenix. We will also explore how HTTP/2 can be used to build a new Phoenix Transport, allowing Phoenix PubSub to work with a bidirectional HTTP/2 channel. We will investigate how existing transports work, and what changes are required to implement a custom transport.
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Gary is a member of the Phoenix core team, often found answering questions on Stack Overflow for the elixir and phoenix-framework tags. He is developer at VoiceLayer using Elixir and Phoenix full-time.
Github: Gazler
Twitter: @TheGazler