Elixir Umbrella applications allow you to break down complex systems into smaller sub components. But are these applications a good fit for microservices or do they end up being a more complex monolith? Learn more about them in this talk. After an introduction to Umbrella applications, She'll use an example project to demonstrate common challenges with Umbrella projects and how to work around them. Different deployment options will be explored to show how little change is required to deploy an Umbrella in a distributed manner. After attending this talk attendees will have a practical understanding of the pros and cons of using Umbrella applications as well as an understanding on how flexible they are when it comes to deployment.
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Georgina is a software consultant with a passion for high quality software and helping people build better products. She has delivered training in Elixir and helped build the Elixir Koans. Outside of programming Georgina likes running and playing the violin.
Github: gemcfadyen
Twitter: @gemcfadyen